Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mobile Labs

As the school I work at is finally moving into the modern age, we finally have our mobile lab up and running. With that in mind I think that the question we need to ask ourselves how important are computers in the classroom? As with anything the idea has it's pros and cons. To start this conversation here's a pro and a con:

Pro: Not all students have access to a computer at home for either research purposes or simple word processing. Having access to not only a mobile lab in the class but to also having access to a larger computer lab, levels the playing field in regards to student learning tools.

Con: The downside to moving more towards a paperless class, is the upkeep. We all know in the real world, computers may seem to make life easier but always find a way to cause the students stress. It seems to be that trouble shooting and general maintainence of the computers once they are in the schools is majorly lacking, turning a great tool into more a great hassel. This mostly comes from the lack of funding for a full IT staff, thus leading to obsoleate machines.

What are your Pros and Cons?

1 comment:

Caroline Kinsley said...

I do think that having computers in the classroom are extremely important. The pros are that the world is becoming all about computers, whether you are a teacher, or work in the business world, it is nearly impossible to find a job that does not need a person to be able to use computers on some level. If the students did not have computers in thier classroom, and did not learn how to surf the web or type properly, I think that would put them at a great disadvantage in the real world. I do, however, agree about the cons that you mentioned. I have had many frustrating times when I wanted to do something on the computer, and there was a breakdown, or some of my work was lost, and I needed someone to help me. I can see how the computer, which is supposed to make your life easier, does cause a lot of problems of it's own. I do see, however, that for as many times as the computer has broken down, or gotten a virus, it has helped me a million times more!

I think computers are very important in the classroom, and although it may cause some problems, without it, I think the students would be put at a great disadvantage for the world ahead of them!